Frustrated but Mindful

Today has been a wrestling match between my desire to be in the moment vs worrying about the future….with a bunch of mad thrown in. I am so angry at the turn of events at my work place and want to yell, scream, curse, cry, but at the same time don’t want to let my anger control my reactions. One minute I have been fretful about what my professional life really means and what the immediate future holds and the the next I’m reminding myself to just stay with the day and do the best that I can. See the next hour pass for what it is and then let it go. I cannot undo yesterday nor the disrespectful things said by our “leaders”, but I can remind myself today of who I am and what I can do. Before Haiku, I would have continued to stew in the worry. Now, I can be mindful, write a Haiku and be done with the work day and the discouragement it tried to force on me.

Can you let go of your day’s frustration?